Dr. Shahzad Ali Biography
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Farm Manager
Dr. Shahzad Ali, male, was born in April 1988, in Peshawar City, KP Province, Pakistan. He completed a B.Sc. (Hons) & M.Sc. (Hons) in Agronomy with a Silver and Browns Medal Award. He completed his Ph.D. in China (Northwest A&F University). He completed his Postdoctoral at Qingdao University (Remote sensing, climate change, and big data analysis) and worked at Lanzhou University as Young Talent Researcher (2020). Dr. Shahzad Ali is currently working as a Lecturer at Hazara University Mansehra since 2020. Research focus: Mainly engaged in research on water-saving practice and theory of crop, crop cultivation and dry-land farming system, dynamics of soil-plant-livestock interaction under rain-fed conditions, agricultural water management, grassland grazing management, remote sensing climate change and big data analysis, Maxent Model, GIS. Expertise: Agronomy, Crop cultivation, dry-land farming system, Remote sensing climate change, big data analysis, Grassland and grazing practices, GIS, Maxent Model. Dr. Shahzad Ali has won 4 research grants (Rs. 10 million). He has research publications with total citations of +2000 (H-index = 25 and i10=49) and a cumulative impact factor of +322, based on prestigious journals.
Academic Background
S.No | Degree Title | Institute | Degree Completion Year |
1 | PhD | Northwest A&F University, China | 2018 |
2 | M.Phil (Honr,s) | The University of Agriculture, Peshawar | 2013 |
3 | B.Sc (Honr,s) | The University of Agriculture, Peshawar | 2011 |
4 | F.Sc. (Pre-Eng) | Farabi Degree College | 2007 |
5 | S.Sc (Science) | Islamic collegiate school university of Peshawar | 2005 |
6 | Post-Doc | Qingdao University, China | 2020 |
7 | Post-Doc | Zhejiang Normal University, China | 2024 |
S.No | Publication Title | Authors | Action |
1 | Cultivation techniques combined with deficit irrigation improves winter wheat photosynthetic characteristics, dry matter translocation and water use efficiency under simulated rainfall conditions | Ali, S., Xu, Y., Ma, X., Ahmad, I., & Dong, Z., et al. (2018). | Click to View |
2 | Planting patterns and supplemental irrigation strategies to improve wheat production and water use efficiency under simulated rainfall conditions. | Ali, S., Xu, Y., Ma, X., Ahmad, I., Kamran, M., & Dong, Z., et al. (2017). | Click to View |
3 | Tillage and deficit irrigation strategies to improves winter wheat production through regulating root development under simulated rainfall conditions | Ali, S., Xu, Y., Jia, Q., Ahmad, I., & Jia, Z., et al. (2018). | Click to View |
4 | Ridge-Furrow Mulched with Plastic Film Improve the Anti-oxidative Defence System and Photosynthesis in Leaves of Winter Wheat under Deficit Irrigation | Ali, S., Xu, Y., Jia, Q., Ma, X., Ahmad, I., & Jia, Z., et al. (2018). | Click to View |
5 | Cultivation modes and deficit irrigation strategies to improve 13C carbon isotope, photosynthesis and winter wheat productivity in semi-arid regions | Ali, S., Xu, Y., Ma, X., Henchiri, M., Cai, T., Ren, X., Zhang, J., Jia, Z. 2018. | Click to View |
6 | Deficit irrigation strategies to improve winter wheat productivity and regulating root growth under different planting patterns | Ali, S., Xu, Y., Ma, X., Ahmad, I., & Jia, Z., et al. (2019). | Click to View |
7 | Characterization of droughts monitoring events through MODIS and TRMM based DSI and TVDI over South Asia during 2001-2017 | Ali, S., Tong, D., Xu, Z. T., Malak, H., Wilson, K., Siqi, S., Jiahua, Z. 2019. | Click to View |
8 | Improvement in winter wheat productivity through regulating PSII photochemistry, photosynthesis and chlorophyll fluorescence under deficit irrigation conditions | Ali, S. Xu, Y., Ma, X., XU, Jia, Q., Jia, Z. 2022. | Click to View |
9 | Monitoring drought events and vegetation dynamics in relation to climate change over mainland China from 1983 to 2016 | Ali, S. Zhang, H., Qi, M., Liang, S., Ning, J., Jia, Q. Hou, F. 2020. | Click to View |
10 | Mulch covered ridges affect grain yield of maize through regulating root growth and root-bleeding sap under simulated rainfall conditions | Jia, Q., Chen, K., Chen, Y., Ali, S., Manzoor, & Sohail, A., et al. (2018). | Click to View |
11 | Deficit irrigation and planting patterns strategies to improve maize yield and water productivity at different plant densities in semi-arid regions | Jia, Q., Sun, L., Ali, S., Liu, D., Yan, Z., & Ren, X., et al. (2017). | Click to View |
12 | Strategies of supplemental irrigation and modified planting densities to improve the root growth and lodging resistance of maize (Zea mays L.) under the ridge-furrow rainfall harvesting system | Jia, Q., Xu, Y., Ali, S., Lefeng, S., Ruixia, D., Xiaolong, R., Peng, Z., Zhikuan, J. 2018. | Click to View |
13 | Long range correlation in vegetation over West Africa from 1982 to 2011 | Igbawua, T., Zhang, J., Yao, F., Ali, S. 2019. | Click to View |
14 | Hormonal changes with uniconazole trigger canopy apparent photosynthesis and grain filling in wheat crop in a semi-arid climate | Ahmad, I., Kamran, M., Meng, X., Ali, S., Ahmad,S., Gao Z., Liu, T., Han, Q. 2020. | Click to View |
15 | Uniconazole application strategies to improve lignin biosynthesis, lodging resistance and production of maize in semiarid regions | Ahmad, I., Kamran, M., Ali, S., Bilegjargal, B., Cai, T., & Ahmad, S., et al. (2018). | Click to View |
16 | Deficit irrigation and fertilization strategies to improve soil quaitly and alfalfa yield in arid and semi-arid areas of northern China | Jia, Q., Kamran, M., Ali, S., Liu, D., Yan, Z., & Ren, X., et al. (2017). | Click to View |
17 | SPI-based drought simulation and prediction using ARMA-GARCH model | Qi, l., Guanlan, Z., Ali, S., Xiaopeng, W., Guodong, W., Zhenkuan, P., Jiahua, Z. 2019. | Click to View |
18 | Effects of Plant Growth Regulators on Seed Filling, Endogenous Hormone Contents and Maize Production in Semiarid Regions | Irshad, A., Muhammad, K., Xiangping, M., Ali, S., Bayasgalan, B., Tie, C., Tiening, L., Qingfang, H. 2019. | Click to View |
19 | Developing a process-based and remote sensing driven crop yield model for maize (PRYM–Maize) and its validation over the Northeast China Plain | Sha, Z., Yun, B., Jiahua, Z., Ali, S. 2020. | Click to View |
20 | Nutrients management strategies to improve yield and quality of sugar beet in semi-arid regions | Irshad, A., Bashir, A., Ali, S., Muhammad, K., Han, Q. F., and Bayasgalan B., 2017. | Click to View |
21 | Effects of uniconazole or ethephon foliar application on culm mechanical strength and lignin metabolism, and their relationship with lodging resistance in winter wheat | Ahmad, I., Kamran, M., Ziyan, G., Xiangping, M., Ali, S., Peng, Z., Tiening, L., Tie, C., Qingfang, H. 2020. | Click to View |
22 | Impacts of different mulching patterns in rainfall-harvesting planting on soil water and spring corn growth development in semi humid regions of china | Ren, X., Peng Z., Xiaoli L., Ali S., Xiaoli, C., and Jia Z., (2017). | Click to View |
23 | Legume/Maize Intercropping and N Application for Improved Yield, Quality, Water and N Utilization for Forage Production | Zhang, H., Shi, W., Ali, S., Chang, S., Jia, Q., Hou, F. 2022. | Click to View |
24 | A time series of land cover maps of South Asia from 2001 to 2015 generated using AVHRR GIMMS NDVI3g data | Ali, S., Malak, H., Zhang, S., Kalisa, W., Bai, Y., Fengmei, Y., Jiahua, Z. 2020. | Click to View |
25 | MaxEnt model strategies to studying current and future potential land suitability dynamics of wheat, soybean and rice cultivation under climatic change scenarios in East Asia | Ali, S., Makanda, T. A., Umair, M., Ni, J. | Click to View |