Dr. Muhammad Ayaz khan
Designation : Head Of Department.
Email Address : drmuhammadayazkhan@gmail.com
The Department of Political Science was established in 2008. It has commenced its classes of a M.A in Political Science for the first time in spring semester 2008. The worthy Vice Chancellor at the opening ceremony of the department on November 14, 2008, constituted a committee consisting of the than chairman Prof. Dr. Abdur Rehman, Dr. Muhammad Ali, and Dr. Jehan Zeb, to start program of BS, M.Phil and Ph.D in discipline of Political Science. As per direction of worthy vice chancellor scheme and courses of BS, M.Phil and Ph.D were prepared and admissions to BS, M.A, M.Phil and Ph.D were completed. Within a short period the department launched program of Higher educations. Keeping into view the growing demand of Pakistan Studies and its relevancy to subject of Political Science, in spring semester 2011 master program was started in the subject. Now five programs i.e. BS, M.A, M.Phil and Ph.D in Political science Whereas the Pakistan Studies become an independent department and the ongoing M.Phil and Ph.D intake were to seek support from the Department of Political Science for completion of their research degrees. It is also to mention, that a full-fledged department i-e Sociology is also placed under supervision of Department of Political Science. Where BS, M.A and M.Phil programs are continuing...
Every community, even the smallest tribe or hamlet, has established practices by which it conducts its collective affairs and resolves external and internal conflicts. Indeed, according to the ancients time, only within well-ordered political community human beings lived good life and reached their highest aspirations. Political scientists use multiple methods and approaches to engage in the thoughtful study of political life in all its dimensions, both theoretical and practical. We strive to be a highly supportive, dynamic and productive academic department of teachers and scholars. We are dedicated to produce of intellectually deep, civically-engaged, globally-aware, and ethically-minded students. We focus our energies through concerns with escalating inequalities and injustices across the globe, informed by sustained fieldwork and empirical inquiry in numerous nations. We have wide ranging expertise encompassing the economic, political, social and cultural challenges of our times. We have particular expertise in key areas of current debate covering science and technology studies; finance and economic change; urbanization; the cultural dimensions of social stratification; and new cosmopolitan political agendas around human rights and social conflict. Our colleagues share direct research experience drawn from studies on every continent of the world...
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