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Dr. Muhammad Sajid Biography

Deisgnation :
Associate Professor

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Dr. Sajid Ali has a B.Sc. (Hons) & M.Sc. (Hons) in Plant Breeding & Genetics with three Gold Medals and one Presidential Award. He completed PhD from France and worked at the University of Agriculture Peshawar as Assistant Professor (2012-2020). Dr. Ali is currently working as Associate Professor at Hazara University Mansehra since 2020. Dr. Ali has completed 2 Post-Doctorates (Denmark (2014) and from France (2017)). Dr. Ali is working on genetic improvement of crops (cereals, Brassica and beans) and on population genetics/genomics of crops & pathogens. Dr. Ali developed 1 wheat, 2 Brassica and 1 common bean varieties. Dr. Ali has won 8 research grants (of more than Rs. 20 million). He has major-supervised 3 PhD and 11 M.Phil scholars with many co-supervisions. He has research linkages with international groups in Australia, Denmark, France, Mexico, China, UK, Nepal, Bhutan, Iran and Afghanistan). He has research publications with total citations of +1900 (H-index = 27 and i10=42) and cumulative impact factor of +80, based on prestigious journals. Dr. Ali was invited at Oxford University, UK; NIAB, Cambridge UK; NW A&F University, China and Aarhus University Denmark. He has been awarded Research Productivity Award twice (2016 & 2017) and Fakhre-Peshawar Award (2019).

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Academic Background

S.No Degree Title Institute Degree Completion Year
1 B.Sc. (Hons) The University of Agriculture, Peshawar, Pakistan 2006
2 M.Sc. (Hons) The University of Agriculture, Peshawar, Pakistan 2008
3 MS (M2) Agrocampus Ouest, Rennes, France 2009
4 PhD Agrocampus Ouest, Rennes, France 2012
5 Post-Doc Aarhus University, Denmark 2014
6 Post-Doc INRAE, SupAgro, Montpellier, France 2017


S.No Publication Title Authors Action
1 Countrywide inter-epidemic region migration pattern suggests the role off-season population to wheat stripe rust epidemics in China. Environmental Microbiology. Accepted. IF: 5.491. Awais, M, Ali S*, Ju M, Lie W, Zhang G, Zhang Z, Li Z, Mal X, Wang L, Du Z, Tian X, Zeng Q, Kang Z, Zhao J. Click to View
2 Genetic Variability and Aggressiveness of Tilletia indica Isolates Causing Karnal Bunt in Wheat. Journal of Fungi. 8, 2022: 219. IF: 5.724 Aasma, Asad, S., Fayyaz, M., Majeed, K., Rehman, A.U, Ali, S., Liu, J., Rasheed, A., Wang, Y. Click to View
3 Identification of heterotic groups and patterns based on genotypic and phenotypic characteristics among rice accessions of diverse origins. Frontiers in Genetics. 2022. 13: 811124. IF: 4.60 3. Hussain I, S Ali, L Wuge, M Awais, J Li, L Yilong, Z Manshan, C Fu, D Liu, F Wang. Click to View
4 Variability in indigenous Pakistani tomato lines and worldwide reference collection for Tomato Mosaic Virus (ToMV) and Tomato Yellow Leaf Curl Virus (TYLCV) infection. Brazilian Journal of Biology. 2022. 84: e253605. IF: 1.651 Hussain I, Khan SA, Jalal A, Nielsen SL, Ali S*. Click to View
5 Genetic response of different bread wheat genotypes to yellow rust under rainfed and irrigated conditions. The Journal of Animal and Plant Sciences. AG-20-0154. Journal of Animal and Plant Sciences. 2022. 32: 127-137. IF: 0.57 Khan SN, Hassan G, Khan MR, Facho ZH, Singh D, Sanaullah M, Imtiaz M, Ali S*. Click to View
6 Phenotypic and molecular divergence in maize (Zea mays) ecotypes. Pakistan Journal of Agricultural Sciences. 2021. 58: 1783-1793. IF: 1.049 Javed R, Iqbal M, Ullah S, Khan MR, Iqbal A, Sanaullah M, Rahman MU, Fahim M, Saqib MS, Ali S*. Click to View
7 Molecular markers and field-based screening of wheat germplasm for leaf rust resistance. Pakistan Journal of Botany. 2021. 53: 1909-1920. IF: 0.972 Ismail M, Khan MR, Iqbal A, Facho ZH, Jalal A, Munir I, Farhatullah, Ali S*. 2021. Click to View